  • Trisha Magnus
  • Contact Me
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Hi there! My name is Trisha Magnus, and I've been an Independent Demonstrator with Stampin Up since 2018. My adventure in paper crafting started years (and years) ago with scrapbooking. I learned about stamping while working at a craft store but didn't really dive into that world of cardmaking until 2016, and from that point on I was HOOKED. I love how I can customize a card for a special person in my life for exactly the event I need, or their favorite color, or anything really. The possibilities are endless!

I live with my husband, two cats, and our 3 year-old daughter.... so send LOTS of coffee. We relocated from Colorado to rural Canton, Ohio in 2019 and are loving the new lifestyle.

I look forward to sharing my love of this craft and company with you. If you don't have a SU demonstrator, I'd love to be that for you! Please feel free to contact me to host a party or join a class. (I can do this either live or over the internet/Facebook!)